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Navn: John Sagsveen
E_post: jsagsveen@yahoo.com
I'm looking for information about Aksel Sagsveen born in 1894 and Thora Davidson born in 1897. They are my grandparents who immigrated in about 1910 to 1913. Any help would be appreciated.
Navn: Dennis Sørgen
E_post: dssorgen@comcast.net
My great grandfather, Andreas Pedersen Sørgen, was born in 1883 at Sørgen near Eine. My great grandmother, Helene Olsdatter Sivesind, was born in 1821 at Sivesind. They married in 1845 and lived at Kværnum, Sørgensætra, Blåvarp and Nyork where my grandfather Anton was born in 1858. They immigrated to the USA in 1863. I have not had a chance to use your site yet. I hope to find more information about these farms and how long my family lived at Sørgen prior to my great grandfather. I would also like to know if there are any descendants of either family that still live in the area and might be contacted.
Navn: Waldemar Stensli
E_post: waldemar.stensli@getmail.no
Jeg er mangeårig medlem av Historielaget, men de senere år har jeg fått liten anledning til å besøke museene,dessverre. Jeg besøker mitt hjemsted i Totenvika hver sommer.
Navn: Kim
E_post: Christianson
I wasn't able to translate some of the sites into English and my translation dictionary wasn't much help. I'll just have to go there and search myself in July. Thanks akm@frontier.net
Navn: Alf Myrvold
E_post: alf.myrvold@bgnett.no
Date: 23. mars 2008
Så at en eller annen hadde skrevet ned alle inngåtte ekteskap fra ca 1830, jeg er interresert i om det finnes noe om mine besteforeldre Olaf Nielsen Myrvold og Augusta Pedersen sannsynlig gift i Hof kirke, Østre Toten. Om noe finnes send svar til nevnte E-post adresse. Takker for alle tips. Alf Myrvold
Navn: Craig Shogren
E_post: katemcbride22@hotmail.com
Date: 28. februar 2008
Jeg nettop finne din nettsiden og jeg tenke du kan hjelp meg. Jeg håp til finner postadresse for Vardal kirke ved siden av Hage. Jeg håp til finner slektning dette bor i Norge ende. Mange takk. Craig
Navn: Harry Pitnr
E_post: hlpitner@cox.net
Date: 17. januar 2008
My wifes grandmother and her family came from Nordre Land, TorpaAmot parish, place called Fjeld (now Fjell). I have tried to find the parish records from 1820 to 1885 for this parish i the Diigitlarkivet but have touble in which parish to look at. Can you give me the names of the parishes so I can search for the records and also census records
Navn: Harry Pitnr
E_post: hlpitner@cox.net
Date: 17. januar 2008
My wifes grandmoter and her family came from Nordre Land, TorpaAmot parish, place called Fjeld (now Fjell). I have tried to find the parish records from 1820 to 1885 for this parish i the Diigitlarkivet but have touble in which parish to look at. Can you give me the names of the parishes so I can search for the records and also census records
Navn: Dennis Skattum
E_post: dskattum@wispwest.net
Date: 07. januar 2008
Very interesting and hopefully helpful just learning the ropes
Navn: Mike Peterson
E_post: mkepeterson@yahoo.com
Date: 24. desember 2007
Thank you for the site! I was able to locate my family from Malterud, Helset, Knatterud and other surrounding farms! I can only imagine the effort!
Navn: åge Engen
E_post: ageengen@bbnett.no
Date: 22. september 2007
dere gjør en god jobb , stå på fortsatt.j
Navn: Tore Skjærstad
E_post: tore@skjaerstad.com
Date: 15. september 2007
Protokoll: A3 Toten Side: 186 Nr: 140 År: 1744 Kirke: H K. Døpt dato: 27.09.1744 Ekte/uekte: E Introduksjonsdato: 21.10.1744 Merknader: Domm 18 post Trin Præd. ved H K. Rolle Sivilstand Stilling/ yrke Fornavn Etternavn Bosted Kjønn Barn Per Ner Røse* M Far Rasm. Ner Røse M Mor Ellj Polsd. Ner Røse K Fadder Ole Stepperud M Fadder Johans Helset M Fadder Johanne Lae K Fadder Margrete Helset K Fadder Mari Stepperud K Diverse Flotte WEB sider som har gitt meg mye innformasjon om mine Maternal forfedre. Fant en feil på ovenstående - Domm 18 post Trin er 04.10.1744, Gregorian Calendar. Det er en fin dato calculator her - http://www.ely.anglican.org/cgi-bin/easter Mvh Tore Skjærstad, England
Navn: Greg Sletmoen/Liliana Salinas
E_post: liliana_104@yahoo.com
Date: 12. september 2007
As a wedding gift for my husband to be I am trying to track down his family anciestry. The Sletmoens came from Norway to establish themselves in Canada and MN. It is my understanding that the name changed from Lysbakken to Sletmoen upon exiting Norway. The last and oldest known relative was Ole Lysbakken. I would appreciate any information in the above mentioned matter.
Navn: Bill Woods
E_post: WWoods2217@aol.com
Date: 31. august 2007
Gentlemen, or Gentlewomen: I am interested in your organization and and searching for a contact in Vestre Toten (probably Eina) to direct me to a contact to trace descendants of one family of early Vestre Toten. The family lived in the Hanshaugen Farm (in or near Eina) ca 1870 to 1920. Family name was Even Kristiansen and first wife, Kari Nilsdtr. Kari was born in Gran/Brandbu in 1849, moved to Vestre Toten about 1870, married in Vestre Toten Even Kristiansen, had children from that marriage, but died in Eina in 1882. Source: Vestre bygdebook for Hanshaugen Farm. Can you direct me to a source in Vestre Toten that may be able to search for living descendants of this family in Norway, in particular Vestre Toten? Thank you and we appreciate your assistance. Bill Woods
Navn: John O'Keefe
E_post: jkeefe@tds.net
Date: 06. august 2007
I want to mention to you how wonderful your website has been for me to trace my family ancestry in Norway. I have found most of the records I have been seeking on this site. Thanks again, John O'Keefe Wisconsin, USA
Navn: Krista Thompson
E_post: Thompson.krista@mayo.edu
Date: 23. juli 2007
Hi I live in Byron, MN and am looking into information on my great great grandparents. This is what I have so far. Even Nielsen Hagen (Lundhageskogen) Even was born April 8. 1870 and baptized May 26. 1870. At that time his father was a cottager (tenant farmer) at Lundhageskogen, Kolbu, Vestre Toten. Even emigrated to America in 1892. His father Niels Hansen was born November 23. 1828 at Vestern (small farm south west in Vestre Toten) and baptized. December 7. 1828. Cottager and carpenter. He married Oline Larsdatter Smørstadengen July 27. 1855. Oline was born December 7. 1827, baptized December 26. 1827. Children: Karine: born October 14. 1855 Hans: ” March 23. 1857 (died as a baby) Hans: ” April 6. 1858 Anders: ” November 3. 1860 Ole: ” 1864 Berte Maria: born 1867 Even: born April 8. 1870 In 1900 Niels was dead and his wife Oline lived at Lundhageskogen together with her daughter Karine. Nils Hansens parents: Hans Nielsen Vestern and Mari Hansdatter. Oline Larsdatters parents: Lars Nielsen Molstadstuen and Birte Olsdatter Smørstadengen. I would love pictures if anyone has them. Especially of Lundhageskogen. I don't understand Norwegian so English would be appreciated.
Navn: Krista Thompson
E_post: Thompson.krista@mayo.edu
Date: 23. juli 2007
I'm looking for information on my family's history. My great great grandpa Even Nielsen Hagen (Lundhageskogen) and my great great grandpa Thomas Thompson (Hern)
Navn: Trond Egil Gårder
E_post: trond.egil.garder@politiet.no
Date: 14. juli 2007
Hei, nå har jeg vært inne på sidene deres for første gang, og lagt inn en etterlysning. Vurderer å frekventere sidene fremover, spennende å se om det kommer noen respons på etterlysningen(e). Han akkurat begynt å sjekke litt på denne slektsgrenen, og har nok en masse å lære / erfare.
Navn: Rosemary Braun
E_post: rosemaryhb@comcast.net
Date: 19. juni 2007
This is a wonderful website. I am looking for the family of Guri (Gurie) Kittleson (father's name said to have been Andrew), married Andrew Peterson (or Pederson). Gurie was born 16Jan1840. They lived Wisconsin and North Dakota.
Navn: øyvind hjartnes
E_post: w-hjart@online.no
Date: 17. juni 2007
Er interesert i å høre om noen kan vite noe om min svigerfars onkel jacob hemnes, som døde under mustiske omstendigheter på en kafe i seatle i 1935/36.Alt hans jordiske gods er forsvunnet med penger og klær.Dette er eit skudd i blinde,er nettop begynt å lete etter opplysninger.
Navn: Arild Omvang
E_post: arild.omvang@online.no
Date: 18. februar 2007
Takker for en meget nyttig side. Jeg ønsker imidlertid å komme i kontakt med noen i Enebakk slektsforening, for å utveksle opplysninger om mine forfedre fra Enebakk og bygdene rundt. Min tippoldefaren min heter: Gunder Nilsen født 1797.
Navn: Elizabeth J Sethney
E_post: birdkrazy@msn.com
Date: 08. januar 2007
I am Emil and Minnie's grand daughter. My Father was Robert J Setheny. I would like to find some of my ancestory on the Sethney side. Also I am curouis as to the number of family members still living.
Navn: Mark A. Peterson
E_post: mnosretep@gmail.com
Date: 30. desember 2006
Excellent site! Thank you to all those who made this web page possible. Your work has allowed me fill many formerly empty branches on my family tree.
Navn: Joann Hagenston Porter
E_post: jmpdjp67@wbhsi.net
Date: 24. november 2006
My great-grandfather left Haakenstuen farm, Sondre Land, Oppland, Norway in 1867 and immigrated to Wisconsin, USA. His name was Hans Petersen and his wife was Ingeborg Marie Gulbrandsdatter. My records show that their first three children were born at Hoffeie and baptised in the Hoff Church. Their next three children were born at Haakenstuen and baptised at Hoff Church. I am looking for any new information about these farms and their location in Norway.
Navn: Pam Herman
E_post: hermanrobert@msn.com
Date: 08. juli 2006
I am trying to find out what happend to my great grandfather, Ole Olson Sletmoen. He was married to Marie/Maria Kittleson. She died in North Dakota from Tuberculosis.
Navn: Marry Karin Idland
E_post: ma-idlan@online.no
Date: 02. juni 2006
Er interessert i slektshistorie og er innom denne sinden av og til. Så i Toten Blad at dere hadde lagt ut avskrift over viede i Østre Toten 1828 - 39. Regnet da med å finne dette, men det lot seg ikke gjøre. Har mesteparten av slekta der, selv vokst opp og bor på vestlandet, og regnet med å finne noe interessante opplysninger. Hva må til for å kunne søke på dette. Har tilhørighet i Skreiaområdet med slektsnavnet Stensli (Steen)fra Stensli Øvre under Helgestad lille.
Navn: sharon kraby
E_post: shar_dan@bellsouth.net
Date: 08. mai 2006
Curtis and Jean Kraby Clarence and Minnie Kraby. Our search was to locate the farms in Norway of our ancestors. Your site was most interesting. Thank you.
Navn: SK Frydenlund
E_post: skfrydenlund@hotmail.com
Date: 08. mai 2006
Looking for any further sources of the heritage of my great grandfather, called (in the states) John Frydenlund (a brother of Andrew), married to Nora. They settled in southern MN, near Hayward were I am told they picked up the 'Frydenlund'. Am also told that they came from near Gjovik.
Navn: Hans Enger
Date: 15. april 2006
Denne siden til Gjøvik og Toten Slektshistorielag må vel være norges beste private side. Det er helt utrolig hvor mye arbeid disse driftige medlemmen har lagt ned i sitt digitaliseringsprosjekt. Ser at de begynner å nærme seg "slutten" på kirkebokavskrift og de har allerede begynt på mange andre spennende kilder. Takk og ære for at vi har dere!
Navn: åge engen
E_post: ageengen@bbnett.no
Date: 13. april 2006
Jeg søker opplysninger om karen julie johansdtr alfstadeie født 27\6 1877 på østre toten
Navn: Arild Omvang
E_post: arild.omvang@onlin.no
Date: 02. april 2006
Jeg søker etter opplysninger om min tippolderfars familie Hans Nilsen, født i Enebakk i 1824. Flytt til Spydeberg senere.
Navn: Mike Miller
E_post: miclesmil@actionnet.netVery nice
Date: 31. mars 2006
Very nice web site. Tried to do some research in church records for Torgunrud West farm (Kolbu) births, but couldn't get any results. Mike
Navn: Darrel Nelson
E_post: darrelbnelson@cox.net
Date: 01. februar 2006
I would like to look at Gjovik and Vartdal chruch and census data but I don't know what the other site refers to? Looking for Niels Olsen and Kari Lardatter Family information about 1832. Father of Niels was Ole Nielsen who lived Braathen-eie? It looks like there is a lot of informaton on this web site somewhere.
Navn: eugene
Date: 26. januar 2006
Hei! Jeg synes dere har et utrolig fint tilbud, vi har nå fått kontakt med slekten etter familien som emigrerte til Amerika i 1913 Og det var utrolig! hilsen Berit <u style="display: none"><a href="http://anzwers.org/free/greenday" target="_blank">green day mp3</a> <a href="http://rascalflattsmp3.bravehost.com" target="_blank">green day mp3</a> </u>
Navn: margaret Dynna yablonski
E_post: margarety@sasktel.net
Date: 17. januar 2006
English, I notices my brother Harold Dynna wrote on this web site and was wanting to see information about family.
Navn: Mike Miller
E_post: miclesmil@actionnet.net
Date: 25. november 2005
Have just learned my gggrandparents lived on the "Torgunrud" farm in West Toten from 1858 to 1870 (Nels Olsen & Inger Marie Hansdatter Ruud)and would like very much to get in touch with someone from near there so I can do my research during those years. Thank you Mike
Navn: William Engebretson
E_post: kathyandbillengebretson@msn.com
Date: 11. september 2005
I am looking for my Grandmother's birth place in Sondreland
Navn: Shelby Eaton
E_post: shelbyle@yahoo.com
Date: 05. september 2005
Great site! This is the first I've found in norway of my great-grandmother Agnetha A. Hagen and her sister Olava A. Both came to the US. Was surprised that I didn't find anyone else from their family listed in the Emigrants database.
Navn: Sylvia Narten
E_post: sylvia .narten @skynet.be
Date: 24. juli 2005
Hilsen til Berit Narten,eller andere sletninger,som bor i norge,mange hilsen fra Sylvia Narten,i fra Belgia. er spent po svar
Navn: MUGU
Date: 12. juli 2005
Navn: arvid
E_post: post@elverumnett.com
Date: 28. juni 2005
hey. alltid moro å kikke på sider med og av interesse. kikk gjerne også innom mine sider: www.elverumnett.com -
Navn: Gerald Winger
E_post: gwinger@essex1.com
Date: 25. mai 2005
Looking for information on Lars Jacobsen Winger who lived on the Trulserud farm and migrated to Iowa in the 1860s. I am looking for the ship that he came over on and the date he left. He married in Decorah, IA in Dec. 1868. Thanks for any other help.
Navn: oz
E_post: oz@tipsiz.com
Date: 12. mai 2005
all free movies www.tipsiz.com
Navn: Linda Price (Anderson)
E_post: lprice22@hotmail.com
Date: 08. februar 2005
First, your site is wonderful and has been most helpful in my search for Skundberg's. Johannes Anstensen, wife Karen Ellertsdatter, her father Ellert Pedersen and 5 children came to USA in 1870, Polk County, Osceola, WI. 1880 USA Census has the family as John Skunbergs! My aunt told me the family use to talk about us being Skundberg's, but nobody knew for sure. So, if others are seeking this family: Anstensen in Stertingdal, Skundberg farm, is Surname Skundberg is 1880 USA, Mathinus (son to Johannes and Karen) married in 1881 using Surname Anderson. This must have happened with Naturalization. Anyone who might have an explanation...I'd love hearing from you! Linda lprice22@hotmail.com
Navn: Per Ivar Lundgjerdingen
E_post: pi-lundg@online.no
Date: 17. januar 2005
flott hjemmeside.fant en del intressange opplysninger.
Navn: Amarys Joseph
E_post: amarysjoseph@hotmail.com
Date: 12. januar 2005
To Rune Johanessen your best friend was named Pear. Wonder if your Ok and would like to talk to you,Love Amarys
Navn: Jackie Pollack
E_post: pollackj@pbso.org
Date: 04. januar 2005
Trying to find Carter Lars Gudal
Navn: Jan roar
E_post: janrs6@hotmail.com
Date: 26. desember 2004
Hei.Har et gammelt postkort hjemme adressert til frk Augusta Hansen på Gjøvik gård. Kortet er sendt fra Dale i hordaland 26.01.1912. Jeg er der ifra. Prøver å finne litt informasjon om henne, hvor hun kom fra,foreldre, barn osv. Tenkte kanskje noen her kunne hjelpe meg? Vennlig hilsen Jan Roar Solberg
Navn: wayne (sethney) brown
E_post: wmathbrown@comcast.net
Date: 21. november 2004
english only, please: I spent several weeks in Norway thinking about, but knowing nothing of the Sethney's of Tostin. I wish I'd known more. Am planning a month in Trondheim soon. Whom may I visit among the Sethney's (no matter where they reside). Wayne Sethney-Brown, grandson of Emil & Minnie Sethney, Tacoma, WA, USA
E_post: sjensen@fsmail.net
Date: 15. november 2004
I am a scotsman looking for any information on my grandad PERRY HARLEY JENSEN he died in vestre-toten in 1997 I think!! I would be most gratefull. cheers
Navn: Joey
E_post: Joeykitty4@hotmail.com
Date: 09. november 2004
english canadian for student doing research on Fergus Falls Minnesota
Navn: Arthur Veblungsnes
E_post: <artveblu@online.no
Date: 07. november 2004
Jeg søker etter Knut Hungnes født1875 på Molde i Møre og Romsdal. KnutHungnes reiste til U.S.A.i 1907 og siden har ingen hørt fra ham Det jeg ønsker svar på er om noen kjenner til hvor han oppholdt seg, og når han døde. Jeg håper å få svar på min E- post adresse. E- post adresse er <artveblu@onlin.no Hilsen Arthur Veblungsnes
Navn: M.T
E_post: hr.salesrep@spray.se
Date: 29. juli 2004
Interesting site - I too do alot of research. Good luck to all.
Navn: Terje
E_post: terje@domeneparkering.no
Date: 15. juli 2004
Mye nyttig info :) Flotte hjemmesider.
Navn: Rachel Kraby
E_post: crabbyrachel@hotmail.com
Date: 05. juli 2004
Brian.... Funny thing that I thought you were my father! Same name and question that our family has had for years. There is a town... a lake town if I am recalling my facts correctly in Northern Norway called Kraby. Possibly not the town's name though.... I have done some extensive travelling overseas (Europe especially) and recall having been told that there may have been a Lake Kraby.... But in the North... Very small. Email me if you have anyhting further.... What a great site! Tak sa mycket!
Navn: Sonja Østengen
E_post: sonja.ostengen@c2i.net
Date: 04. juli 2004
Hei og takk for det flotte arbeidet som er gjort med registreringer. Jeg søker etter etterkommere av John Olsen f.10.10.1860 (det er oppgitt 1862 i digitalarkivet)gift 20.12.1884 med Marit Olsdatter f. 1866. De fikk tilsammen 13 barn så vidt jeg kjenner til, men jeg finner bare 10 barn i digitalarkivet. Vi har funnet den 11 som døde før foketellingen i 1900, hun het Mari Johnsdatter f. 09.04.1886. Av disse barna er Olea Johnsen min mormor hun døde så vidt jeg vet og ble gravlagt 23.03.1938,48 år gml. Hun var gift med Julius Nilsen fra Vestfold (Nøtterø -usikkerhet?) de hadde 4 barn, eldste Alf Johnny, Aslaug Miranda, Marit Lillian (min mor)f. 02.03.1925 d. mai 1989, og Bjørn Arvid. Min mormor bodde på Vestre Toten på gården Jutulrud i Eina ved folketellinga i 1900. Vi (min kusine Bjørg datter av Aslaug Miranda og jeg) ønsker å få vite mer om slekten dersom noen sitter ikke med opplysninger. Hvis noen har foto hadde det vært kjempefint for vi har aldri sett vår mormor i live ei heller på noe bilde. på forhånd takk. Med hilsen Sonja Østengen f. Michelsen)og slekten Michelsen kommer muligens fra Hedmark) min far het Per Oddvar Michelsen f. 17.07.1923 d. april 1983. Hans far het Ingvar Thorbjørn og var så vidt jeg kjenner til f. 08.05.1887 d. tror jeg i 1938. Han var gift med Dagny Kristine f. 13.02.1889 og antagelig fra Enebakk. De fikk tilsammen 8 barn. Tar gjerne i mot opplysninger om disse også. På forhånd takk.
Navn: Dr. Gale L. Hubred
E_post: hubred@earthlink.net
Date: 17. juni 2004
I have all Hubred family tree data (for those living in the US and Canada) back to only the mid 1880s in the Toten area. My grandmother Anne Mathea Hansen Nygaardslier Hubred. My grandfather Johan Martinsen Gran Hubred adopted out to the Hubred farm in 1863 at age 3 when his father died. I have data on computer. I prefer Mormon (LDS) software. Ole Pedder Hubred on the Hubred farm knows me. I have visited there. I am 65 and retired. I can not speak or read Norwegian.
Navn: Brian Kraby
E_post: bkraby@hotmail.com
Date: 09. juni 2004
Hi, I'm just interested in my family history. I stumbled upon this website. all I know is my great-grandfather emigrated to Boston in the early 20th century. His name was Thurston. My grandfather was Donald and so is my dad. I've heard Kraby is a place, which I have seen is a farm or town in ostre toten. Is this true? What does Kraby mean in Norwegian?
Navn: Fred Schacht
E_post: fmschacht@comcast.net
Date: 07. juni 2004
My great grandfather was Olaf Schei and immergrated from Vardalen, Norway to Fergus Falls, Minnesota USA in 1867. He married a women by the name of Johnston. Would appreciate hearing from anyone who may be related to Olaf Schei that may still be living in Vardalen. Thankyou, Fred Schacht
Navn: barbara myrvold
E_post: bmyrvold@yahoo.com
Date: 30. mai 2004
Thanks for mounting such a wonderful site. I have found many vital records about my husband's family here, the Grotbergs and Myrvolds, who emigrated from Ostre Toten in 1903 to America. Keep up the excellent work. Do you plan to load more records for Aas parish?
Date: 15. april 2004
Date: 15. april 2004
Navn: Lars Carter Gudal jr.
E_post: n/a
Date: 07. april 2004
I live in jacksonville, Fl. ( u.s.) looking for family background. my add. is 9480 princeton sq. blvd. apt.# 2307 jacksonville, fl. 32256 my grandfather is from minnisota, where i'm not sure, his sister, my great aunt was from minniapolass, the last i heard.
Navn: Mary Skundberg Westendorp
Date: 28. mars 2004
Since my last request .. My email address has been changed to woodenshoeexpress.it@sasktel.net I would appreciate hearing from you if you or anyone you know is connected to the Skundberg, Skunberg,or Sundberg Norweigan ancestors. Thank you.
Date: 20. mars 2004
Navn: steven jensen
E_post: steven@dolier.fslife.co.uk
Date: 19. mars 2004
looking for any info on PERRY HARLEY JENSEN from Aalesund or Vestre toten
Navn: Perry L. Lien
E_post: neil32@aol.com
Date: 11. mars 2004
This is great stuff---6 of my 8 great grandparents were from Oppland, specificaly Valdres--the other 2 were from More og Ramsdal. This is wonderful.
Navn: Marilyn Stephens
E_post: bobmar@access.com
Date: 10. mars 2004
Your website has been very helpful to me. I have been searching information on Helene Johanneson Kolbergsrud and have found one of our lost relatives there. Many emigrated to the United States and some stayed behind. Thank from America
Navn: MUGU
Date: 06. mars 2004
Navn: elizabeth mahoney
E_post: tandemahoney@charter.net
Date: 22. februar 2004
Saw all the posts regarding the "invaluable website" for NOrwegian geneaology, but can't get to the website.....followed a link to get to this page...how do I get to the website ??????? Thanks !!!!
Date: 14. februar 2004
Navn: Laurel Sveum
E_post: leyasv@cs.com
Date: 28. januar 2004
I want to thank you for your Web site and this guestbook I recently had a inquiry from a distant relative. It has greatly helped with my genealogy reschearch. I want to thank you again. Takk; Sveum
Navn: Eric Oistad
E_post: eric.oistad@comcast.net
Date: 09. januar 2004
Thank you for a great website. I am researching my family of Martin Pedersen, who took the name Oistad after leaving the Øistad farm in the 1887. Your site is very useful. I'd like to see you add a list of farms and their locations. The US Library of Congress provided me some historical farm maps.
Navn: Kjell-Gunnar
Date: 08. januar 2004
Kor finn eg søkjeregister for finneinnvandringa til Toten/Hurdal? Svigerfar Erling Midtbu f 1919, Midtbu ved Høversjøen. Til Høvern skal det ha vore finneinnvandring. Mellom andre Johs/Juha? Helsing Kjell-Gunnar Kroklivn 35, 0584 Oslo 5.
Navn: Susan Osteng
E_post: sosteng@yahoo.com
Date: 01. januar 2004
. What I have found is that most of these people all lived in Oppland- Vestre Toten and Ostre Toten. They all farmed or lived on other peoples farms. Some are married to relatives. They olso worked at the Raufoss and Gjovik Factory and still are. I just love how they change there last names. That makes it so much more fun to do a family tree.The people that I met where some of the most charming ,incredible people I had the good fortune of meeting. Hilsen Sue
Navn: Russell C. Sletmoen
E_post: MSletmoen@doitpc.net
Date: 30. desember 2003
I'm English speaking only. I'm searching for relatives in Norway. I have the name of Johannes Pederson Lysbakken SLETMOEN. He worked the Sletmoen farm between 1855 and 1929. I think it was near Tretten. I have some indication that there was a relative named Ragnhild Johannesdatter Sletmoen from Faaberg, Gudbrandsdahl, Norway 1900 to 1909. My grandfather came to U.S. in 1890's. He used the name Ole Sletmoen here and married Marie Fagerlie also from Norway in early 1900. They both lived in Audubon, Minn. and died of Tuberculosis in 1908 about one week apart. My dad, Orville did not know much about his family as he was orphaned at 2 yers old. If you can be of any help in my search I would be greatful. Russ
Navn: Brian Saxberg
E_post: bsaxberg@yahoo.com
Date: 12. November 2003
Does anyone know anything about the SAXEBERG (farm?) on the 1854 map near Biri and Snertingdahl? Also could someone translate this for me?
Graastensmurer og Dagarbeider
Thanks, Brian
Navn: RuthAnn Wilson
E_post: RAWILS@aol.com
Date: 05. October 2003
Hoping to find relatives here.
Navn: Jasmine
E_post: wnr@winnergambler.com
Date: 01. September 2003
~ * ~ Excellent website.You did a good job.Good luck... ~ * ~
Navn: Berit Narten
E_post: b.narten@online no
Date: 31. August 2003
Jeg synes dere har et utrolig fint tilbud, vi har nå fått kontakt med slekten etter familien som emigrerte til Amerika i 1913 Og det var utrolig! hilsen Berit
Navn: J. Williford
E_post: willifordjw@earthlink.net
Date: 19. August 2003
I, too, am beginning my search of the Skundberg, alfred william-possibly came from Norway-settled in WI. Born about 1872. Married Louise Olson also a possibility she came over on the boat also. No family for over 30 years, so I need help! thanks
Navn: Barbara Fagersten
E_post: bcastelli@prodigy.net
Date: 02. August 2003
Thanks for this site. I was able to locate both my Grandmother's family and my Grandfather's family in Ostre Toten. I hope there will be more information in your database soon!
Navn: Berit Narten
E_post: b.narten@online no
Date: 13. July 2003
Hei! Jeg er kommet mye lenger enn jeg hadde trodd med hjelp av Tor og Rune, nå vet jeg blandt annet at en fetter av min mor (90) lever i Minnesota. Kjempefint
Navn: Berit Narten
E_post: b.narten @online. no
Date: 24. June 2003
Jeg er kjempefornøyd med den tilbakemeldingen jeg har fått, mange fine Nye opplysninger.
hilsen Berit
Navn: Berit Narten
E_post: b.narten @online no
Date: 12. June 2003
Hei! Jeg har fått mange opplysninger om slekten igjennom dette nettstedet og er veldig fornøyd
vennlig hilsen Berit
Navn: David Smikrud
E_post: 4smix@triwest.net
Date: 15. May 2003
Looking to regain contact with Sverre Gabrielson who's relatives lived on the Smikkerud farm. I lost all previous info./contacts with him due to computer problems. Also, my email address has changed. Tak David
Navn: jane camilla larsen
E_post: camilla_gizmo@hotmail.com
Date: 07. May 2003
hei!!! jeg har akkurat fått intressen for slektsgransking og synes det er spennende.. men jeg vet lissom ikke helt hvordan jeg skal komme i gang å søke og sånn forskjellig... Håper å finne laangt tilbake på min mor og fars side.. Trenger litt hjelp da, av noen som er inne i dette "gamet"... Håper noen vil hjelpe meg.. ellers en meget bra side dette her.. Hilsen Fra Jane Camilla Larsen Dalborgveien 200 2817 GJØVIK
Navn: Jo Anne Swenson
E_post: breden@pacific.net
Date: 27. April 2003
I found this site interesting. I still am unable to locate any information on tmy grear grandfather. The parish records show nothing by his name. I have his mothers name and fathers names, sister, and step father and 3 other siblings. Lars came into the US in 1867 and the rest of the familyu came in to the US in 1868 approx., according to the information i received from Norway. I have alot information from after he arrived here, but I would like to know what happened to the rest of his family. Did they stay here or return to Norway. I do not find any on the children born after lars by her 2nd husband. Elling Arntson. If you have any ideas for me please e-mail me. Sincerely Jo Anne, formerly from Ballard, which is called the Little Norway of Washington. It is in Seattle .
Navn: Gene Brose
E_post: brose@ctctel.com
Date: 24. April 2003
Thank you for all your work. Your web site is very useful. I wish my relatives had taught me more Norwegian, however.
Keep up the good work.
I have tried to find out who the parents are of Peder Paulsen (1840) and his wife, Lene Johannesen (Johannesdatter) (1842) and have had not luck. Are there any volunteers who might take this on?
I think Peder Paulsen's mother was Johanne Olsdotter (according to the 1865 Gjovik (Vardal) census but the rest has eluded me.
I am attempting to find them and their children and years of birth.
Navn: petter frang
Date: 16. April 2003
halla alle på steinsjøen..vil ønske dere en riktig god påske.Etter påskeferien er jeg tilbake på steinsjøen..vi snx..hilsen petter
Navn: Mary Christine Skundberg
E_post: woodenshoeexpress.it@sk.sympatico.ca
Date: 08. April 2003
I am not a professional genealogist, I am interested in doing a family tree for the Skundberg family. Any info is welcome.
Navn: Phyllis Skundberg Halseth
E_post: Hhal56211@aol.com
Date: 11. March 2003
I have been searching for the Skundberg farm and tonight I found it on your site. Thank you so much. How do I write to the Pastor of the church there? I dont know how to address the letter. Thank you for your help. Phyllis
Navn: Donald L. Hendrix
E_post: dhendrix@rockisland.com
Date: 06. March 2003
I am searching for the birthplace of Ingeborg Maria Johannsdotter(? her name was 'Anglicised' in the US and this is my best guess of her Norwegian birth name). She was b. in 1859 and immigrated to the US (Nebraska) in 1883. On her wedding certificate, she listed her parents names as John Johnson and Emily Oleson. In US church records, she listed her place birth as Sondre Land, Oppland. I have had no luck finding her family in the NO census of 1865. Somebody suggested she might be from Frydenlund farm in Sondre Land, but the dates don't exactly match. Any search suggestions gratefully appreciated!
Navn: Reidun E. Nelson
Date: 04. March 2003
Navn: Chris Christofferson
E_post: crealestatepro@aol.com
Date: 08. February 2003
Hi there: My father-in-law came from Karmay, Norway. We are trying to locate family in Norway. His wife Clara is now 96 and is unable to write but of good mind. His name is Eric (Erick)Christopherson and we think had the name Medhaug when he arrived in America at the young age of 18. Eric had several sisters as well. I remember that one of his family visited America in the the 50 or 60's. It would be so wonderful to hear from any of you there. Also my family name is Didreckson (Didrickson) from Bergen, Norway. My grandfather Arent has several brothers. I think there were seven of them. Please let me know if you are well. Would love to hear from you. A trip to Norway would be wonderful to see any and all of you. Thanks fo much. Chris
Navn: kraby
E_post: distroth@attbi.com
Date: 03. February 2003
i am looking for website pictures of kraby norway. it is a bus stop, school and one farm i believe. kraby-farm#173 or #160 ostre toten, oppland norway. hof church area?? my great..great..great..grandfather in norway. i am related to HansJohannessen Vandereed(spelling not sure of)born 1812 in land parrish married 12-28-1833 to margrete Christiansdaughter Sonstebysater-born 1812, toten parish.not sure of spelling....telemark area??
Navn: Betty Rockswold
E_post: bettylou@spacestar.net
Date: 28. January 2003
I'm related to Herman Nettum, a very knowledgeable genealogist. He corrected and added to my Nettum family tree, for which I'm very grateful.
Navn: Jodi Thompson
E_post: RobThompson@702com.net
Date: 08. January 2003
Great Website! Your time and effort is much appreciated!
Navn: Laila Nilsen
E_post: lailanilsen19@hotmail.com
Date: 31. December 2002
Jeg synes disse siderne er veldi grei.Jeg har hitta mange slektinger fra Biri her.Mange takk for bra sider.
Navn: slektshistorielaget v/Eva
E_post: geir.eva@frisurf.no
Date: 21. December 2002
Slektshistorielaget avd.Gjøvik og Toten vil ønske alle sine brukere EI GOD JUL OG ET RIKTIG GODT NYTT ÅR.
Navn: Rita Nordfjæren
E_post: rita-ma@online.no
Date: 15. October 2002
Hei, Takker så mye for all hjelp jeg hittil har fått på disse sidene. Kildene blir mer og mer utfyldende og mer og mer av mine spørsmål rundt aner kan bli løst hjemmenifra. Kjempefint for en som har små unger... (Lettere blir det også den gang en ønsker å kontrollere kirkebøkene)... Så igjen takk, særlig til de som har tid og ressurser til avskrivning av kirkebøkene. Dette må være en kjempejobb!!!
Navn: Linda Quast
E_post: lindaq60@hotmail.com
Date: 25. September 2002
My ggrandfather, Thorkel Thorkjelson, was born in Toten, b.10-08-1860. His father was Anfind Thorkjelson and I am told he was a teacher in that area for about 40 years. He lived on the farm name hofsvangen. I would like to find out anything about Anfind or his wife, Anna, marriage date, date they died and where and their parents names if possible. Anna was Anna Larsdatter born in Aal, Hallingdal about 1818. Thanks for any help you can give me.
Navn: Paul Arve Buskum
E_post: buskum@online.no
Date: 24. September 2002
Hei Beklager at jeg trodde det var feil på linken til min hjemmeside fra Deres hjemmeside. Men det har tydelig blitt feil de 2 siste ukene i for bindelse med lage nye knapper . Men nå skal det være i orden . Hvis ikke håper jeg leserne kan si i fra . Min hjemmeside : http://home.tiscali.no/pau.brit
Med hilsen Paul Arve Buskum
Navn: Geir Thorud
E_post: geir.thorud@chello.no
Date: 13. September 2002
Hvis lenka til Buskums sider ikke fungerer må det skyldes serveren. Lenka på våre sider ble rettet for lenge siden, selv om vi ikke ble varslet om endringen. GT.
E_post: buskum@oline.no
Date: 11. September 2002
Navn: Donavon Foss
E_post: donfoss@gvtel.com
Date: 08. September 2002
Hi: My grandfather came from Enebak,Norway and I would like to find out some info if possible.His name was Otto Foss here in the USA,but he came over here as Otto Kjelson. Thank You: Donavon Foss
Navn: dick taylor
E_post: dandvten@spacestar.net
Date: 20. August 2002
even pederson and his wife larina larsdatter left toten with their three sons in 1868 and settled in minnesota-will share information on their line with anyone interested-thx
Navn: Bob O'Neil
E_post: Irviking@aol.com
Date: 25. May 2002
In 1997 my wife, Sharon and I were in Gjovik looking for information on the Bjorge farm. A very helpful lady at the library provided information, showed us the bydgdeboks, made copies, and gave us directions to the Bjorge farm. There we met Norman, Hakon and Ola Bjorge. What a marvelous visit we had with them. My great-grandfathers brother--Ole Guddal--came to Vardal in 1875. My great-grandfather--another Ole Gudal--had come to America in 1870.
Navn: Donna L. Smith
E_post: DSmith1216@aol.com
Date: 23. May 2002
Researching Onsrud, Nilsestuen, Nelsestuen, Hagestuen, Holte in Norway. They came to Wisconsin in the 1850s.
Navn: Kathy Montelaro
E_post: cliklm@msn.com
Date: 04. May 2002
This is a wonderful site! I use it weekly in my research as I am always uncovering new ancestors! The maps with the farms is fantastic, the emigrant database, and the transcribed church records have all been so helpful. I can't thank you enough for doing this! Kathy Montelaro, Redding, CA whose ancestors immigrated to Wisconsin in the 1850's from Vardal. Many more relatives came to America after that. Bjugstad was my 2nd Great Grandmother's home. Her Grandfather purchased a portion of the farm in 1781. Other farms of my ancestors are Skumlien, Skonhovd, Hun, and Gjøvik.
Navn: Robert E. Larsen
E_post: relarsen@msn.com
Date: 24. April 2002
Thanks! Through your website I found my grandfather's ancestors. Now I will see if there are distant cousins residing in Norway. You have been helpful.
Navn: Gerald Winger
E_post: gwinger@essex1.com
Date: 04. February 2002
Great source of information. I am looking for any relatives of Lars Jacobson Vinger (Winger). He lived on the Trulserud farm in the 1850s and then left for the US sometime in the 1860's. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Jerry Winger
Date: 02. February 2002
Navn: Unni Kari Foss
E_post: unnifoss@online.no
Date: 26. January 2002
Det er spennende med de nye oppdateringene i oPPLAND.ø.Toten. Vi leter både bakover of forover etter familie. Familen Foss i Akershus/Oslo/USA har røtter på Toten. Johan LarsenTømmerhoelstuen f. 1759 og hustru Marte Hansdatter f.1765. Deres sønn Niels JohannesenTømmerhoelstuen f. 1803.
Navn: Paul Arve Buskum
E_post: buskum@online.no
Date: 10. January 2002
Hei Slektshistore inntreserte Godt Nytt år . Jeg har løst til å opplyse alle Slektshistorielagets gjestebok lesere om at jeg har startet med å legge ut stoff fra Dåpsprotokollen fra Søndre og Nordre Land i oppland fylke . Fra perioden 1707 til 1830 . Nå er nok ikke min hjemmeside heilt topp med hensyn til desing , men i løpet av Januar - Februar d.å. så tror jeg den blir meget bra etter at jeg leier en som driver å snekkrer hjemmesider til daglig til å lage en mer brukervenlig hjemmeside med samme innhold. Adressen til min norske hjemmeside er : http://hjem.sol.no/~pau-brit
Hilsen Paul Arve Buskum
Navn: Slektshistorielaget v/Eva Johannessen
E_post: geir.eva@frisurf.no
Date: 23. December 2001
Slektshistorielaget ønsker alle sine brukere en God Jul og et riktig Godt Nytt år. ---------------------------- Slektshistorielaget wish all users Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Navn: Robert Muscovitz
E_post: rampvm@gateway.net
Date: 07. December 2001
I'm signing this guestbook in hopes that someone might see that I'm searching for my family relations name of Moller (o has / through it) from Toten , Norway their birthplace. It was said that Julie Moller b.1887 , to Sigrid Moller and unknown father who may have had a brewery and her uncle a hotel where she swept the steps as a young child. She came to the USA in 1905? and Sigrid and two sisters Hanna and Petra in 1912. I haven't had a lot of luck finding her family. Please help. Bob
Navn: Laurel Sveum
E_post: leyasv@cs.com
Date: 07. December 2001
Johan Christian came to USA in 1880 from the Sveum farm. Wife: Kjerstine Oldsdatter, Children: Agnethe, Karine, Ole, Martin, Sina, PPetter and Nils
Navn: Marianne G. Kultom
E_post: mkultom@start.no
Date: 04. November 2001
Nå er det morro å bruke slektshistorielagets sider som oppslagsverk. Her tar det til å bli mye en har brukt for. Mere vil nok komme.
Navn: Kathy Montelaro
E_post: cliklm@msn.com
Date: 25. October 2001
I have found this site invaluable! I would like to thank you for all your efforts in making this information available to people like me who are researching their Norwegian roots. My father's side of the family is Norwegian, with roots deep into Vardal, Søndre Land, and Enebak. The Vardal information has really aided in my search for ancestors! Thank you, Thank you! Kathy Montelaro from California
Navn: Siw Gabrielsen
E_post: S.gabrielsen@c2i.net
Date: 03. October 2001
Flotte sider. Har problemer med å komme inn på sidene deres selv om maskinen min støtter det dere krever. Har lest bruksanv. men det hjelper ikke. Jeg får bare prøve flere ganger. Leter etter aner fra Vestre Toten og Vardal. MVH Siw
Navn: Paul Arve Buskum
E_post: buskum@online.no
Date: 15. September 2001
Hei Jeg har løst til å opplyse om at jeg er kommet godt i gang med å legge ut utdrag av vielses protokollen fra perioden 1707 til 1899 fra Søndre og Nordre Land kommune . Dette finner de på min Norske hjemmeside : http://hjem.sol.no/~pau-brit Hadde gjerne sett at jeg hadde fått en tilbakemelding fra slektsforskere . Tanken er også at jeg skal legge ut utdrag fra Vielses protokollen fra Østre og Vestre Toten fra perioden 1695 til 1899 i år 2002 . Hilsen Paul Arve Buskum 9925 Svanvik
Navn: Gjøvik og Toten Slektshistorielag v/Heljar
E_post: heljar@slektshistorielaget.com
Date: 13. September 2001
Answer and comments to Sylvia Ellingwood.
Hi! I can't find him in our bases, but I think he was born in another district of Norway.
Vardal is in Gjøvik, but Værdalen, can be spelled as Vardalen or Vaerdalen in US. It's north of Trondheim.
I'm deeply shocked at the pictures on CNN. God bless America!
Best regards Gjøvik Toten Slektshistorielag Heljar Westlie
----- Original Message ----- From: wehel <mahelwe@online.no> To: <seeschick2@msn.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 11:30 AM Subject: Severt Olson
And answer from Sylvia.
Your kind reply to my inquiry on Severt Olson may very well be the clue that has remained so elusive. I'll try following up on it. Thank you.
Thank you too for your obvious sensitivity to the horrible events of yesterday. America is in a deep shock that is I fear headed toward a monumental grieving period. Few survivors I fear. Yesterday I was brought to tears when it was reported that the hijacked pilot of the first commercial plane to be flown into the tower was born in my home town of Lowell, Massachsetts and he went to school with my brother. Before this is over I fear it will be found that there are many persons involved. This was no amateur project. My oldest son is 13 years in the Army as an officer. He has always maintained that we were too lax in our security. Truly America has changed. We are a resilient people and I'm sure will survive. None of us however will ever trust as we have in the past.
The support from around the world is much appreciated. Thank you for yours.
Sylvia In Spokane, Wa.
Navn: Sylvia C. Ellingwood
E_post: seeschick2@msn.com
Date: 10. September 2001
Seeking help in researching Severt Olson, born in Vardalen on September 1, 1853. Left Norway in 1881 for America. Is Vardalen in fact Vardal? Any suggestions welcome.
Navn: Rachael (Nelson) Gehringer
E_post: Rach537@aol.com
Date: 05. September 2001
Hi, This is a great and useful site! I am interested in either North or south Land. I'm not too sure which my GGGrandmother came from. All i know is Land. Her name was Kristine Asbjørnsdatter, born abt. 1811. She had a sister, Anne Mathea. Would be interested in finding the farm they lived and history. I cannot read or write the Norwegian Language, but i try reading it at times. Thanks for a wonderful site and hope you'll keep this up! Rachael
Navn: Geir Thorud
E_post: geir.thorud@chello.no
Date: 19. August 2001
Hei Bjørn, har prøvd å åpne de samme kirkebøkene i kveld (søndag) uten problemer. Jeg vet ikke hva problemet skyldes, hadde håpet at vi var kvitt denne type problemer etter at vi oppgraderte programvaren på vårparten. En mulighet er problemer på serveren, men da burde ikke andre databaser virke heller. Det eneste tipset jeg kan gi er å avslutte alle forkomster av browserprogrammet og starte på nytt, det har hjulpet noen ganger.
Selv om vi ikke har noen løsning på problemet, vil vi gjerne høre fra andre som evt har samme problem slik at vi får vite noe om omfanget av problemet. Mvh Geir
Navn: Bjørn Herberg
E_post: bjorn.herberg@c2i.net
Date: 16. August 2001
Prøver stadig å komme inn i kirkebøkene for Biri 1814-1842 (fødte), men søket viser ingen "opening table". Dette skjer veldig ofte, i kveld hele tiden, og søk blir dermed umulig. Kan det gjøres noe med dette? Hilsen Bjørn H
Navn: spencer bevis in england
E_post: bevis11@netscapeonline.com
Date: 11. August 2001
HI, I am trying to get in touch with Siri Ling and Gurli Ulverud in Lunner, Hadeland. Can anyone help me????.
Navn: barry richard johnson
E_post: tamera@vcn.bc.ca english
Date: 09. August 2001
Iam a great grandson of knut Magistad. I was born at Rosebush Alberta aug 13 1933. I married josephine lazarenko sept. 30 1957 son DANIEL ANDREW b. jan 18 1959 .daut colleen Katherine b.nov 18 61. Daniel is father to Tamera b. june 24 1986 .Cheyenne sept 15 1995
Navn: Ron Morley
E_post: RRMorley@Aol.com
Date: 30. July 2001
Hello, I am impressed with the amount of materiel you have gathered for genealogists to use. Please keep up the good work. Ron
Navn: Jay & Dorothy (Bergh) Steinberg
E_post: jmsdes@aol.com
Date: 18. July 2001
First time user. Dorothy's great great grandfather was Ole Olsen Steinsjoen 1790-1835 from Steinsjoen farm in Ostre Toten. Family went to church at Hurdal in Akershus fylke. One daughter Bertha, b. 1828, married a Mostue in Eidsvoll area, widowed came to USA, died 1918 in Volga, SD. She may have had a family? Don't what happened to Ole's wife Mari Henricksdatter, b. circa 1791.
Navn: Doug Medhaug
E_post: dmedhaug@tnics.com
Date: 16. July 2001
I have relation on Karmoy. Like to read about Norway.
Navn: Liv Astrid Reinlie
E_post: hreinlie@online.no
Date: 10. July 2001
Har nettopp oppdaga denne sida, og her kommer jeg nok til å "stikke innom" i blandt. Ser kjempefin ut!!!!
Navn: Burton Stensberg
E_post: bstensberg@aol.com
Date: 05. July 2001
My ggrandmother, Marie Pedersdatter Holte was born November 20, 1854 in Kolbu Parish, Vestre Toten the daughter of Peter Olson Holte and Anne Erlandsdatter. She and her family came to Americ aroabout 1870 settling in LaCrosse, Wi. There she married Martin Edwardson Stensberg born June 21, 1844 in Fluberg Parish, Sondreland on February 19, 1874. They later moved to central Wesconsin and both of them are bured in St. Pual Lutheran Cemetery, New Minor, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
I whould love to hear from anyone who might have any connection with my family there in Vestre Toten or Sondre Land.
Navn: Anne Foss
E_post: anne-fo@frisurf.no
Date: 31. May 2001
Det var med stor glede jeg gikk på forfedrenes stier,området Kapp østre Toten. Jeg er 4de generation etter Joachim Nielsen Foss gift med Sophie Gundersdtr 2 ekteskap. Det var en herlig weekend på Billerud gård. Anne Foss med datter Emilie. Tusen takk for gjestfrihet,og charm.
Navn: Carol Harris Weber
E_post: chweb@attglobal.net
Date: 01. May 2001
I have enjoyed your site and look forward to using it often, especially the maps.
Navn: anne conrad
E_post: aconrad55@hotmail.com
Date: 23. April 2001
this web site is nice, my grandparents were from toten and I hope to find out more about them.
Navn: Howard A Topp
E_post: toppkatt@earthink.net
Date: 09. April 2001
What a great site. My grandfather was Olaf Topp, first child of Mathias Topp of Gjøvik. Olaf emigrated to the USA in 1887. I'd like to hear from anyone interested in this family.
Navn: David Smikrud (Smikkerud)
E_post: kdsmikrud@msn.com
Date: 01. April 2001
This web page has been helpful. If anyone knows anything about the Smikkerud farm name(In ringsaker),I would appreciate a response. Thank You! David Smikrud Blair, Wisconsin USA
Navn: Dean Maug
E_post: maugdean@aol.com
Date: 16. March 2001
I'm looking for information of the parents of Peder Thoresen Gjovig and his wife Helene gulbrandsdatter. They left Vardal in 1867 on the Bark Martha. They went to Osseo Wi, USA were they changed their name to Holman. Their children were Caroline, Gulbrand, Marthinius, Peter, Theodor, Hans and Christine who died at sea.
Navn: Chris Christofferson
E_post: Crealestatepro@aol.com
Date: 13. March 2001
I woul love to hear from anyone who has information regarding my father-in-law Eric Christopherson (Medhaug??) from Karmay. It is my understanding we still have family there. My mother-in-law (Eric's wife is still living-she will be 95 in July 16. It would be so good to get cards for her birthday from family in Norway. What joy that would be. Please send them to her son: Erman Christofferson, 134 Circle C Lane, Galena, Missouri USA 65656. Clara and Eric (deceased) live in Britton, South Dakota. If anyone out their remembers, I thank you so much.
Navn: Verne A.Dalum
E_post: vadalum@aol.com
Date: 05. March 2001
My great grandfather and mother Johannes P. Sethney (setne) and Oleanna evensdatter Moldstad came from Vestre toten. we have many many decendents of theirs and other sethney family here in Minnesota. if you need help in locating members of this family, please contact me. thank you . verne
Navn: Glenda Sharples
E_post: sharp@qwest.net
Date: 02. March 2001
Great grandfather Ole Gulbrandson from Bjoneroa region Great grandmother Kjerste Monsdtr. Hoghaug-Skagnes from Adal I attented the Hadeland - i - Norge stevne last summer. We found living relatives in Oslo and in Bjoneroa. This is on my mother's side of the family
Navn: Harold Glen Wesley Dynna
E_post: haldy@sk.sympatico.ca
Date: 02. February 2001
Greetings from Midale SK Canada.I am just finding out about your page so I can not make much of a comment at this time,but am happy that it is here as I'm looking for relatives who came from Lunner parrish and a farm that was called Dynna Gran.Thank you for now and will explore the pages.
Navn: Jo Ann Chase
E_post: gcreations@qwest.net
Date: 29. January 2001
I am trying to find info on my great grandmother's family that were from Nord-Fron in Oppland. Will you have more on the surrounding areas in the future? I've found them in the 1865 census and also in the emigrants from Oslo. Any help would be appreciated.
Navn: Dee Preston
E_post: dpreston@win.bright.net
Date: 13. January 2001
still working on Lars Johanneson born in 1823 Biri
Navn: Bjørn Herberg
E_post: bjorn.herberg@c2i.net
Date: 10. January 2001
Utvandrerboka igjen:
Jfr Emigrant information (Maggie Nelson, 9/1) og Utvandrerboka side 556 (Olaus Nielsen Fossum). Olaus er ikke sønn på Fossum i Vardal, men født på Fossumseie på Nes. Bør rettes opp. Hilsen BH.
Ang nye kilder: Jeg har et manntall over stemmeberettigede i Biri og Snertingdal for 1915, angir navn alder (over 21 år) og bosted ?
Navn: Garth Ulrich
E_post: gulrich@sk.sympatico.ca
Date: 08. January 2001
A great beginning to your web site. WOuld it be possible to have an English version of the instructions for posting queries?
Navn: eva Johannessen
E_post: geir.eva@frisurf.no
Date: 20. December 2000
Hei. Vil bare ønske alle kjente og ukjente en GOD JUL og et riktig GODT NYTT ÅR. Julehilsen fra Eva.
Navn: Pete Christianson
E_post: Northloop@athenet.net
Date: 17. December 2000
Saw this on the Norway list and thought I would give it a try. I have two GGGrandfather's and a GGGGrandmother who were part of the first group to leave Toten in 1846, so my "roots" are deep!
Navn: Betty Rockswold
E_post: bettylou@spacestar.net
Date: 16. December 2000
Love this web page! I stem from the Nettum farm, and some years ago, I found a cousin, Herman Nettum who lives near Lake Mjøsa in Østre Toten. He's a wonderful genealogist! Keep up the good work, on this page. I'm the genealogist for the Valdres Samband Lag in America, and will help anyone connected with Valdres with their ancestors.
Navn: Harry Petterson
E_post: harry.petterson@os.telia.no
Date: 14. December 2000
Jeg har aner på toten så dette kan kansje lette arbeidet. Jeg er medlem i DIS men jeg er nystartet. Jeg søker på familien etter Peder Olsen senere endret til Peder Bratli. f.10/10-1884 d 8/4-1971på Raufoss-Breiskallen. Så jeg at de under 1900 telling bodde i Østre toten
Navn: Bjørn Herberg
E_post: bjorn.herberg@c2i.net
Date: 28. November 2000
Ad Utvandring: Utvandrerboka er skjemmet med en del feil, særlig når det gjelder foreldre til enslig utvandrede. Even Kristiansen, f 1826, utv 1854, er fra Liereie på Ringsaker og utvandret derfra. Han er ikke sønn til Kristian Stalberg. Hans sønn, Even Andreas, f 1826, døde i 1832. Jfr Liv Marits svar til Bruce Wigness under Emigrant-Information. Hilsen BH
Navn: Astrid Ryen, Trondheim
Date: 16. November 2000
Til Gjøvik og Toten slektshistorielag!
Jeg vil gjerne takke dere for alt materiale dere har lagt ut på nettet til buk for mennesker som meg som søker etter røtter man vet lite om. En spesiell honnør til dem som har lagt ut alle data til dåp, ekteskap og dødsfall i Vardal. Dette materialet er lett å søke i - de som har utført dette, har gjort fantastisk arbeide!!
Takket være arbeid fra dere ildsjeler har jeg funnet mye om slekt jeg ikke visste om. Takk!!
Hilsen Astrid Ryen
Navn: Rita Nordfjæren
E_post: rita-ma@online.no
Date: 06. November 2000
Takk for ei fin side. Har hatt stor hjelp til å finne mine aner og da særlig koble sammen eldre og yngre generasjoner. Folketelling for 1875 (Vestre Toten) samt begravde på Raufoss og Aas var spesielt til god nytte (selv om folketellingen for 1875 inneholder noen feil...).
Navn: Geir
Date: 27. October 2000
Bare noen ord for å starte det hele.
Just a few words to get things going.