If you register as a user you may choose English as language in the user interface.
You can register by clicking on REGISTRER (to the left just below the middle of the page) and then select Englisgh as the Language (up right on the page that appears).
You must register with your full name as username (brukernavn), only letters and space. Passwords (Passord) must contain capital letters, small letters and numbers.
Make sure you read the Rules for posting, they will appear in English after you have registered and chosen English as your language.
The user interface language is selected during the registration process. (If you see a Norwegian user interface, you may select the language by clicking on your username up to the right, then selecting User Control Panel (Brukerkontrolpanel), then Board Preferences (Systempreferanser) and finaly My Language (Mitt språk).)
You can send us (the forum administrator) an email by using the "Kontakt oss" link at the bottom of the page. The fields are: Email address (E-postadresse), Name (Navn), Subject (Emne) and Message text (Meldingstekst).
Make sure you read the Rules for posting, they will appear in English after you have registered and chosen English as your language.
You may write postings in English, many Norwegians read and write English.
You can subscribe to the forum and get notifications about new postings by email.
More info in English will follow later.