The sources

Follow the 6 links below to pages containing links to the transcribed sources.

Each source has a mark depending on the location of the source. Green bullets: ()  indicate links to our material, yellow bullets () indicate material on other sites, and read crosses () indicate material that we hope to make available later. 

Sources marked () requires Internet Explorer version 4.0.2  or  Netscape Navigator version 3 or later, or equivalent.

All this material is in Norwegian, except that there are English versions of the "Emigrants from Gjøvik database" - se left, and the pages listing sources for Gjøvik. You should be able to use the Norwegian databases by  consulting the dictionary - se left - and a cup of coffee.

Gjøvik (in English)
Vestre Toten (in English)
Østre Toten (in English)
Søndre Land  
(Our main sources are the 1875 census and a link to 17xx church records records of christening and marriage, in addition to external sources)
Nordre Land 
(Our main sources are the 1875 census, gravestones in Nordre Land and a link to 17xx church records of christening and marriage,  in addition to other external sources)
(Our main source is the 1875 census in addition to external sources)
Municipalities in the vicinity of Gjøvik and Toten

After clicking, select source type in the list to the left.

If you experience problems with loading the databases, try to empty the browser cashe (Delete temporary internet files) and restart the browser. The browser must support  "Java".